
Sarajevofest – Art and Politics among the EFA members

We are delighted to count the Sarajevofest – Art and Politics among the EFA members. Please find attached the confirmation letter of your EFA membership. You will benefit from all members’ services and rights. We are also

Indecent Proposal

Co-production: Otelotvorenje Novi Sad i East West Centar Sarajevo Pre-premiere – January 4.2018. – Ujvideki Szinhaz Novi Sad Opening: February 12.2018. – Ujvideki Szinhaz Novi Sad March 3.2018. – Sarajevo National Theatre March 4.2018. – Bosnian


Opening:  January 12.2018. – National Theatre Sarajevo Production: East West Center Cat Vova and Cat Ćiro is a story about rich and spoiled angora cat Vova and homeless cat Ćiro. After all of their quarrels,  despite

Wonderful Life
(The Wittgensteins)

postopera Haris Pašović as a writer and director and Danijel Žontar as a composer and piano-player are creating a postopera “Wonderful Life (The Wittgensteins).” “To say that Ludwig Wittgenstein was eccentric is somewhat of understatement. But

National geography

What we need is a reasonable future Premiere: April 19,2017 | 19:30h | Sarajevo National theater https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UR1qaVi6CEo “Oh, no, Srebrenica again. I can’t take it any more…” – this is sometimes people’s reaction to the announcement of


They all admit the crime, but there is only one killer! The new whole generation of brilliant young artists has created a truly great show. Irfan Avdić is a young director and Dražen Pavlović, Džana Džanić,

Uncovering a Woman

“Uncovering a Woman” is an original project focusing a theme of archetypal, social and cultural importance for women and men in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is clear that this topic is not limited to Bosnia and