We are delighted to count the Sarajevofest – Art and Politics among the EFA members. Please find attached the confirmation letter of your EFA membership. You will benefit from all members’ services and rights. We are also
Co-production: Otelotvorenje Novi Sad i East West Centar Sarajevo Pre-premiere – January 4.2018. – Ujvideki Szinhaz Novi Sad Opening: February 12.2018. – Ujvideki Szinhaz Novi Sad March 3.2018. – Sarajevo National Theatre March 4.2018. – Bosnian
Opening: January 12.2018. – National Theatre Sarajevo Production: East West Center Cat Vova and Cat Ćiro is a story about rich and spoiled angora cat Vova and homeless cat Ćiro. After all of their quarrels, despite
postopera Haris Pašović as a writer and director and Danijel Žontar as a composer and piano-player are creating a postopera “Wonderful Life (The Wittgensteins).” “To say that Ludwig Wittgenstein was eccentric is somewhat of understatement. But
What we need is a reasonable future Premiere: April 19,2017 | 19:30h | Sarajevo National theater https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UR1qaVi6CEo “Oh, no, Srebrenica again. I can’t take it any more…” – this is sometimes people’s reaction to the announcement of
They all admit the crime, but there is only one killer! The new whole generation of brilliant young artists has created a truly great show. Irfan Avdić is a young director and Dražen Pavlović, Džana Džanić,
“Uncovering a Woman” is an original project focusing a theme of archetypal, social and cultural importance for women and men in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is clear that this topic is not limited to Bosnia and