The Conquest of Happiness
* * * * – Financial Times, UK* * * * – Independent, UK* * * * – Belfast Telegraph, Northern Ireland, UK East West Center, Bosnia – Herzegovina, Prime Cut Productions Northern Ireland and Mladinsko Theatre,
* * * * – Financial Times, UK* * * * – Independent, UK* * * * – Belfast Telegraph, Northern Ireland, UK East West Center, Bosnia – Herzegovina, Prime Cut Productions Northern Ireland and Mladinsko Theatre,
“The 20th century began in Sarajevo with the Sarajevo Assassination and it ended there – with the siege of Sarajevo. “ – Susan Sontag http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qbSGNK-p2Ehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyAzHGWinXw Sarajevo Red Line According to the data gathered by the Sarajevo-based Research
Danijel ŽontarSONGS OF WATER, BREAD AND LOVEConcert for piano and voice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpV2HAhzGuM It happens very exceptionally that new pieces of classical music appear in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Danijel Žontar has composed an exceptional concert. Deeply inspired,
The Society of Spectacle was awarded at The 30th International Theatre Festival Brcko 2013 for: ⎨The Best Director⎬⎨The Best Young Actress⎬⎨The Best Young Actor⎬⎨The Best Music⎬ The Society of Spectacle Who are we in a modern
“Europe Today is a kind of Gesamtkunstwerk featuring live music, video projection, theatre, literature and dance” ✭✭✭✭ Financial Times UK“…Spectacular!” – Headline in Dnevni Avaz Sarajevo, most influential daily newspaper in Bosnia and Herzegovina https://vimeo.com/22125776 In
“Hamlet by Haris Pasovic is one of the largest co-productions the Balkans have seen for 20 years.” – The Guardian“Visually striking with colourful costumes and mystical music performed live on stage.” -Reuters“Standing ovations for masterful directing”
“Pašović’s ‘Class Enemy’ is tour de force”-Jonathan Mills, director of Edinburgh International Festival on BBC “….Possibly the best play in a decade of my theatre reviewing…”-The Flying Inkpot, Singapore “Explosive kinetic energy”-The New York Times ✭✭✭✭✭
Sarajevo plays Hamlet at the beginning of the 21st century The first release of East West Orchestra joins the three acclaimed Bosnian musicians, Dino Šukalo (guitar, keyboards and programming), Attila Aksoy (bass guitar, baglama, cumbus, percussions) and
by Nermin Hamzagić (2009) The boomerang generation Whenever I have doubts about the meaning and purpose of art, I recall the siege of Sarajevo, because in those days, it was that gave us the meaning and
In a suburb of Naples, a group of young people plays football together every night. They dream about better (football) life. Some of them come from the immigrant families from all over the world, some are
Faustian bargain and the democratisation of evil Robots, more conscious than humans, and humans less emotional than machines are the characters of this daring interpretation of FAUST. Set in the foreseeable future and based on texts
Our story Yesterday’s friends have turned into today’s enemies. It happened in Sarajevo in 1992. It happened many times in history. Why would two friends – a professor and his student – two scientists who belong